Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Takashima English class #5

Our English class went as usual this past weekend. We studied the passage in John 1:36-42 when John the Baptist's disciples began to follow Jesus and Andrew and his brother Simon met Jesus and Jesus told Simon he would then be called Cephas or Peter. The phrase, "the rest of..." came up since it turns out to be a relative phrase to the totality of the subject it is related to. So, I did my best to explain why we say it in English and so I used various examples such as, "the rest of the pie," "the rest of my life," "the rest of the class," etc. Trying to make a simple explanation was challenging, but I did my best. Also, another interesting thing came about when Pastor Mori asked why we use the word "Pork" when speaking about eating pig meat, and beef for cow meat. Again, it was challenging to answer. He brought up a good point when he said that rice eating countries have several words for the different parts of the rice grain. In contrast English speaking countries primarily use the word "grain." So, he said if it is important to the culture, they tend to be more specific identifications for such important things.

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