Friday, April 17, 2009

Praise the Lord,the class is getting bigger! クラスが大きになって、神様を賛美をします!

Our Thursday night Daichi Church English classes have grown! We had a total of about 18 students! Praise the Lord the increase! Many are non-believers. We have been praying for increase, so God has answered our prayers! Let' continue praying that they may hear and receive God's Word!


1 comment:

Maxx said...


I have been following your blog for several months now and enjoying it very much. I attend CC Monterey Bay and have lived in Monterey since June last year. I do street evangelism with Mitch Sorenson and the SWAT Team.

I'm also studying Japan and Japanese while here in Monterey, and will be moving to Tokyo in early 2011. My heart is to reach the Japanese with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I have a proposition for you about ordering some tracts from Living Waters in Japanese, but it requires a little bit of coordination. If you could please email me at, I can fill you in on the details.

Thanks and God bless you!

Maxx Godsey