Monday, June 2, 2008

Second Class at Takeshima Chapel

We had our second class at Takeshima Chapel. We began with a song that pastor Mori prepared. It was a song by Paul Simon, "Scarborough Fair". We studied the first four lines of that song which was quite interesting because it is very abstract. People seemed to enjoy it, and it even gave me an opportunity to use the popular Japanese comedian's phrase, "soo nano kankenai!" when discussing, "Parsley, sage, Rosemary, and Thyme." It seems to have nothing to do with the question, "Are you going to Scarborough Fair?" Therefore, "soo nano kankenai!" which means "nothing to do with (the previously stated subject)."
Moving on, I chose to use the NIV version of the Bible for the story about Jesus and the Centurion in Matthew chapter 8. It was a little difficult for the group, but we got through it and I think it worked out well. Afterward, we wrote our own sentences using the keywords from the text. The highlight was definitely having two new people join us! Praise the Lord for bringing some new faces! He is gracious and compassionate and worthy to be praised! His will be done.

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