Friday, November 21, 2008


I hiked Suzugamine mountain again today and when I reached the top, I meditated on 1 Thessalonians chapter 2. The Lord allowed me to see some distant parallels regarding my experience of part-time ministry in Japan, and the situation with Paul in Thessalonica. These are the key points:
  1. Paul and the others had suffered in Philippi, but yet they were still able to speak boldly to the Thessalonians. (Thes. 2:2) I had a few struggles (nothing like Paul of course) in getting here to Japan, but yet I was boldly empowered by Him to do the task set before me.
  2. They spoke simply, they were gentle, hard working, considerate, in their service to the people. (Thes. 2:4-9) I am learning that speaking simply, being gentle, working hard, being considerate are essential in doing His work.
  3. They exhorted and encouraged the people to walk worthy in the Lord. (Thes. 2:11) Exhorting and encouraging are also essential in doing His work.
  4. The Thessalonians were persecuted by their own countrymen. (Thes. 2:14) Many Japanese believers have been persecuted by their families, friends, co-workers, etc.
  5. Paul and the others were hindered by Satan when they tried to return and continue to bless them. (Thes. 2:18) Satan is continuously hindering the Good work going on here as we believers try to bless one another.
  6. Paul and the rest were encouraged at the work of the Lord in the Thessalonians. (Thes. 2:19-20) It is such a great encouragement to see the work of the Lord in the Japanese people, as they have become saved and been transformed by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Family in Christ

Tonight at Daichi church we were blessed. Mr. Iimura, Chan, and Junsoo attended. We read about what Jesus said in Matthew 18:10-14 and Luke 15:3-7; about the Shepard and the lost sheep. In these passages Jesus said God is a like a Shepard and we are like sheep. Just like when the sheep are lost and the Shepard searches for them because he loves them, God also loves us and is knocking on our hearts because wants us to return to Him when we have turned from Him and sinned against Him. The most amazing thing to me is that when we do turn back to Him, He is pleased because He loves us so much!

Key points that the Lord brought out as we studied were:
  • God's love for us.
  • What is sin?
  • God's family
Tonight Mr. Iimura mentioned that he has no family, and therefore that his friends are very important to him. I made sure to tell him that when we believe in Jesus we become part of God's family, the church family, and anybody is welcome to join. Hopefully, he will soon say he has a family, a family in Christ. Let's keep praying for him.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Be faithful to the smallest things!

I was riding the train home tonight and the Lord prompted me to talk to the lady sitting near me. I didn't want to at first, especially since there is always an anti-social, silent atmosphere at that time of night when everyone seems to be returning from work. I thought, "What if I she will be intimidated because I am a man who seems to be approaching a woman, I don't want to scare her...that doesn't look good." Feeling as though the Lord was not going to let me get out of this one, no matter how many excuses I tried to make, I simply asked Him to strengthen me and to lead the way. So, I unzipped my pack and unzipped a smaller pack which carried a stack of tracts, and I pulled out a tract. I held it in my hand asking the Lord for His timing. As I sat there the train came to a stop and the doors stayed open as the cold air rushed in. It became noticeably cold, at least to me, and so I looked over at her and said, "It's cold, isn't it?" She was pretty shy and didn't really respond. So, I waited another awkward minute or two, still asking the Lord how to get this tract into her hand. Finally, after sitting there, I said, "This train is slow, isn't it?" She kindly replied, "It is because the cars are crossing." I told her, "Oh that's right, of course, I knew that...I have been on this train many times, especially since my church is near. Do you know Mitaki church?" She didn't. So I went on to tell her that they have many things there, like a Gospel choir and other things, and then I handed her the tract and said, "The address is here. Take a look." She took the tract and looked. I said, "It is a Christian pamphlet." Then she said, "Can I have it?" By this time she was smiling, seemingly excited to be conversing. "Of course," I replied. Finally, I said, "Please read it." A minute later we were at Yokogawa station and it was time to change trains. Honestly, I don't know the the purpose was for that little transaction. However, I know I have to be faithful with the small things. It was a tiny task, but I had to trust the Lord to do it. Lord willing, she will show up at church and I will keep getting opportunities to be used for His glory!