Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Please pray:

  • For the new English class at Takeshima Chapel, that it would bear fruit. Also, that God would provide other ministry opportunities to be a part of.
  • For Brayden, a brother I met who is teaching here and is still healing from some difficult times. That God would change his heart and relieve Him from the heavy burden he is still carrying from his past.
  • For God's wisdom about a potential home fellowship here in called Inokuchi we have been discussing at Mitaki. I am really hoping it works out because I need more fellowship!
  • That I would walk in the Spirit and have a servant's heart for the Japanese people. There are always struggles here, both personal and with other people, so please pray that I would keep my eyes on Jesus no matter what is going on.
  • For my Japanese language studies.

Friday, April 25, 2008

"Eikawa" Outreach in Fukuyama, Hiroshima

I just received word from Pastor Mori at Takeshima Chapel in Fukuyama, Hiroshima that we will being classes on May 11th. The classes will last from 2 until 3pm every other Sunday. We will be having an "eikawa" styled class using stories from the Bible primarliy about Jesus. Currently, the proposed outline is as follows:

Class outline:
  • (5min.) We will begin with usual Greetings: How are you? How's the weather? What's the date? etc.
  • (10min.) A warm up game using familiar subjects like fruits, vegetable, etc.
  • (10min.) We may have a song (in English). If we do, we will give the students copies of the words of the song with "furigana".
  • (10min.) LISTENING: I will read the story at least two times in English (*We may read it in Japanese, but only if necessary. Otherwise, they can read it silently to themselves as a reference during the lesson.)
  • (10min.) VOCABULARY: We will reiview the keywords and discuss their meaning.
  • (10min.) READING: Together we will read the story again at least two times after studying the words.
  • (5min.) We will go over any questions from the students.

Please pray that the Lord will bless this time of outreach by means of teaching English.

Friday, April 18, 2008


After one week of work I am finally starting to feel settled in. I am very blessed to have a great new apartment and two nice schools to work at. In May I will be starting a new ministry project with pastor Mori at Takeshima chapel. We will be doing an English conversation class using Bible stories as our text. Right now Takeshima chapel is preparing. I look forward to seeing what the Lord has planned.

やっぱり1週かんで仕事をして、いい感じになります。 当たらしアパートといい小学校を二つおかげで、僕は本当に祝福いただきましたました。5月から僕と森先生といしょうに当たらしミニストリーがはじめています。 私たちはせいしょうからストリーの英会話をしっています。ここから、竹島チャペルはじゅんびをします。僕は神様のプランを見たいよ!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Prayer Requests

So far, being here is both challenging and exciting. I am constantly reminded of my weaknesses and the reality of my need for total dependence on Christ. As I continue to settle into life in Hiroshima I would like to ask for prayer. Please pray as the Spirit leads.

  • For the people of Hiroshima to know the hope that is in Christ and be saved.
  • That I could interact with each person with the humility of Christ; being kind and gentle, slow to speak and quick to listen, that they would know Christ's love in me.
  • For spiritual and physical health. Just as there is great spiritual oppression here, there is also a variety of illnesses that circulate around.
  • For a healthy church and good fellowship.
  • For ministry opportunities and His wisdom in what to take part in.
  • For my Japanese language studies.

As I have stated before, the main purpose of this year is to become a better Japanese speaker so that I can be of greater service to the Japanese people in the future. However, in the process of learning the Japanese language and culture, I also have the privelege of being available as an instrument of the Lord. Therefore, I look forward to seeing what God has planned for me here in Hiroshima in addtion to my studies. His will be done.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Greetings from Hiroshima!

Greetings from Hiroshima! I have just arrived and I am anticipating the Lord to lead me into the ministry He has for me. Of course, my main objective is to study Japanese so that I may be of greater use in the future than just an English teacher. So, this is a time for prayer and waiting to see where the Lord leads me. His will be done.